DragonFly Max & Required Medical Forms
All athletes must complete all required forms in DragonFly Max before being able to condition and/or tryout:
- The CHS code for DragonFlyMax is 3U7TQB. Step-by-Step Help Directions are available at https://www.dragonflymax.com/how-to.
- A complete physical examination signed by a doctor.
- You must also upload copies of Insurance Cards (front and back side) or apply for school insurance. (Please see Coach Reynolds in Room 1304 next to the gym if you need to apply for insurance).
You will not be allowed to condition or tryout unless Dragonfly is completed. This may take up to 14 days to verify. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE OR YOU MAY BE INELIGIBLE TO RUN!
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PE Exemption Guideline & Forms
PE Exemption forms must be submitted to Coach Zackery or Coach Felts by May 12th. The form should individually list each practice or track meet with the number of hours that correlate to that individual listing. Yes, each practice/meet should be listed individually. Per sheet, individually list the practice or meet and then calculate per page how many hours at the bottom.
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