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Race Ready!

CHS T&F Athletes, are you competition ready on race day? Here's a checklist you can follow to make sure you compete your best. 

  1. Adequate sleep. Allow your body to heal and rejuvenate. 
  2. Healthy eating and hydration (See healthy eating tab)
  3. Relax and recall. Do not overly stress but feel competitive. Recall your race strategy, having confidence in the plan, yourself, your training, and your coach. 
  4. Do you have your uniform, spikes, warmup suit, water bottle, small snacks, etc.? Prepare for a full day at the track. Prepare for the weather on that day. 
  5. Do a full warm up at minimum 30 minutes prior to your race. Grab your event group and get ready. Align your mind and body. Fully and adequately prepare. 
  6. Execute. Teammates and coaches are cheering you on. Coaches are checking for positive outcomes that will be reinforced, but also places to make better. 
  7. By championship time, the goal is to be the best athlete you can be. Know that per track meet, it is okay to make mistakes. We must learn to correct them, training and competing to make the difference. 
  8. Be a student of your event. Learning continues even after practice or a competition. Work hard for the results you'd like to see. Resilience. Continue to feel encouraged.
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Dates to Know!

  • CHS T&F Conditioning: NDS Stadium Track. 3:30-5pm.
  • Official Interest Meeting: January 21 at 6pm. CHS Café. (Mandatory with a parent if interested in CHS T&F)
  • Kickoff Meeting: January 30 at 5:30pm in CHS Café. (Meeting w/ parent upon making the team regarding registration).
  • Dekalb February Break: Feb 17-21
  • Chamblee Prom: March 29th.
  • Dekalb County Championship: Tentatively scheduled for March 28/29/31 at Godfrey Stadium
  • Spring Break: April 7-11 (There will be practices over spring break for Region the next week)
  • Region 2025 (Hosted by Chamblee) at Godfrey Stadium. April 18 & 19. (Rainy day April 21)
  • Sectionals: Saturday, May 3 at Greenbrier HS.
  • 5A State Championships: May 9th & 10th at Barron Stadium in Rome GA. 
  • Chamblee Graduation: May 22
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